The clam chowder at Steelhead Diner is a must-try.
East Coast vs. West Coast
Tupac vs. Biggie
Shake Shack vs. In-N-Out
We definitely have our differences. One thing we can agree on? The importance of a well made bowl of chowder (say it with your Boston accent: bowl o chow-dah). Brought to you by the east, perfected in the west. Here we share with you what we believe to be the three don't-miss bowls of clam chowder in Seattle.
3. Pike Place Chowder is coming in with the bronze. They have been in business since 1991 and serve up a variety of chowders daily from their small establishment in Post Alley. Really you can't go wrong with any of the piping hot soups, but the clam chowder in a bread bowl makes you feel all warm and happy inside for just $10.45. This shop has bragging rights too because they won "Nation's Best Chowder" at the Great Chowder Cook-off for three years in a row (before finally being retired).
2. Etta's, a Tom Douglas establishment (for those of you not from Seattle, he can basically do no wrong), has our second favorite bowl of creamy, bacon-y goodness. This chowder is finished off with a unique parsley drizzle that gives it some flare over regular bowls of chowder. Grab a bowl for $10.50 and make sure to top it off with a slice of the famous coconut cream pie. MMMMmmmmm.
1. Steelhead Diner reigns champion of chowder today. What gave them the competitive edge? Truffle oil. We are strong believers that if you can add truffle to just about anything savory it will make it better, and this chowder is no exception. Grab a bowl at the bar and enjoy the view of bustling Pike Place Market below for just $10.
Want to tell us about your favorite bowl of clam chowder? Leave us a comment!