Seattle Art Gallery — All Blog Posts — Rain or Shine Guides

Seattle Art Gallery

Girls Night Out: Brooke Westlund's Fabulous Paint Night

Readers, we love ya, but we have an honest truth for you. If you are paying for those paint nights where everyone in the class recreates Starry Night you are doing it all wrong. Last week we had the pleasure of hanging out with Brooke Westlund, a Seattle abstract artist, in her studio in Pike Place Market and creating some truly unique and beautiful art pieces to take home. 

The whole experience was a perfect 10. Brooke was ready with wine, snacks, and paint stations when the group arrived (she won us over at wine). We grabbed our aprons and started choosing colors for our paintings and then got started! It took about 3 hours from start to finish, but this is at a very relaxed pace; we gabbed and oo'ed and ahhh'ed over everyone's works, which added a lot of time! 

At the end of the night everyone had created something completely unique to their personalities. It was pretty incredible how different they all were. Some did the more geometric style and some did the more circular, bubbly style and all of them were beautiful! 

Even though she is a fabulous artist, we think the part that makes her truly great at throwing these events is her open and friendly personality. She was absolutely one of the girls for the night. We all felt at ease and able to ask for advice on what we should do based on her expertise (and for the indecisive ones in the bunch this was very important). 

Outside of throwing fun paint parties, she also sells some truly rad art. Go find her gallery on Western Ave (we wrote about it when we covered The Backside of the Market) and shop around. There is art for all prices and personalities!